The right plan for every stage of your business

Transparent pricing with unlimited projects and support

$0 / mo
Sign up for free
Up to 2 internal users
$5 per bank transfer
3% credit card fee
Client project portal
Online bill payment
Free bank transfers
Subcontractor and vendor portal
Change order management
Beam Card with receipt capture
Unlimited 1% cash back
0% APR with autopay²
Up to 5 cards
Beam Balance with 2.5% APY¹
QuickBooks Online sync
Most popular
$199 / mo
Schedule a demo
Up to 5 internal users
$5 per bank transfer
3% credit card fee
Client project portal
Online bill payment
Free bank transfers
Subcontractor and vendor portal
Change order management
Beam Card with receipt capture
Unlimited 1% cash back
0% APR with autopay²
Up to 50 cards
Beam Balance with 2.5% APY¹
QuickBooks Online sync
Project estimate vs. actuals
Approval workflows
Estimate & change order e-signatures
E-sign and send lien waivers
Custom data imports & implementation
Priority training and support
$399 / mo
Schedule a demo
Unlimited internal users
$5 per bank transfer
3% credit card fee
Client project portal
Online bill payment
Free bank transfers
Subcontractor and vendor portal
Change order management
Beam Card with receipt capture
Unlimited 1% cash back
0% APR with autopay²
Up to 50 cards
Beam Balance with 2.5% APY¹
QuickBooks Online sync
Project estimate vs. actuals
Approval workflows
Estimate & change order e-signatures
E-sign and send lien waivers
Custom data imports & implementation
Dedicated training and support
Insurance & license tracking
Collect subcontractor lien waivers
Paper check payment
$1 per printable check
$2 per mailed check
Contact us
All of Scale, plus:
Custom user roles & permissions
Collect sub-tier lien waivers
Custom accounting syncs
Project management syncs

How does Beam make money?

Beam makes money primarily through the financial services we offer. This enables us to provide our core product for free.

Online payments

We offer competitive pricing on ACH, credit, and debit card payments. We only keep a small percentage of our fee.

Financial services

Beam partners with banks to provide payment processing, deposit accounts, and corporate cards to our customers. Like most banks, we earn fees on balances held and card spend, but share the majority with you.

Premium features

We charge low monthly fees for budgeting, approval workflows, insurance tracking, advanced integrations, and more.

Instant support from real humans

Speak to a friendly customer support expert.

Live chat

Talk to the team on our website or application.


Speak to an expert during business hours.


Expect a fast, human response.

El tiempo es dinero. Guarda ambos.

Únase a cientos de contratistas que confían en Beam para organizar las finanzas de los proyectos y mantenerse dentro del presupuesto.

The Beam application on a phone.