Stop losing money on project changes

Changes happen. Document and request approval for change orders as they occur so you can invoice accurately.

  • Save templates, control margins, and customize formatting
  • Track digital approvals and signatures
  • Easily update project budgets and send invoices
Change order templates & formatting

Build your proposal from the job site or the office

With Beam's estimating software, you can build and reuse change order templates and measure your target profit margin to reduce human error.

Reduce the time to document changes and get change orders approved by simplifying your process on Beam.


Estimate your change

Organize your change order into sections, itemized costs, fees, and discounts. Choose markup and format the document.


Send the change order

Send the change order over email and request an approval and signature from the client portal.


Send an invoice

After approval, Beam automatically updates your budget and adds a new item to your contract for invoicing.

Email tracking

Secure approvals with the right data

Ensure a transparent line of communication with your clients. Create a digital papertrail of change order views and approvals to avoid costly disputes.

Delight your customers

Elevate your change order experience

  • Send professional change order emails
  • Present your change order on Beam's hosted client portal
  • Collect digital signatures and approvals
Invoicing and online payment

Update budgets & send invoices

Once a change order is approved, you still need to account for it and make sure you collect payment.

With a unified change order, invoicing, and job costing system, you can track project financials without the manual data entry.

Learn More

El tiempo es dinero. Guarda ambos.

Únase a cientos de contratistas que confían en Beam para organizar las finanzas de los proyectos y mantenerse dentro del presupuesto.

The Beam application on a phone.